~The karmic nodes of fate are awakened. The dragons eyes are open. It is time to flip the coin to reveal which way to go.~
At 6.55pm (BST), this evening, 14th October lunar and sol will meet in a powerful dance with our collective south node. The eclipse begins at 5.00pm (BST), known as an annular eclipse, she will create a ring of fire around the moon.
As with any eclipse magic, everything is amplified. At this new lunar phase, we can consider her wisdom that guides us to begin once more. Creating new intentions that are more super charged than ever before! Not to mention all the Cardinal energy, which allows the initiation of new beginnings.
In the sign of Lady of justice that is Libra finding a sense of balance and harmony in life is key. Next to the south node of Karmic fate, the past may be revealed to show you how things will fall away. These may be relationships and connections that no longer serve. The best way to understand how this will impact you personally is to look at which house in your natal chart this energy is highlighting and whether you have any planetary goddesses or angles nearby. This will support you to form your intentions and consider the changes that you wish to make as you travel this life path.
With Mercury conjunct both sol and Lunar at this time, be aware of the information coming through. Be an active listener and take time to digest what is being divulged. Being in the present moment is key right now. In square to Pluto, who has recently stationed direct, be aware that your choices have the power to transform you.
Only you know who you really are and what it is you really want. You matter more than you realise. Take these choices and be brave. Make the change and be ready to see the light shine.
Crystals that may support you to harness this energy include moonstone, agate and Lapis Lazuli to support decision making.
As always, this is my interpretation of the current story in the stella stars. If you would like any further support or guidance, please feel free to contact me.
I am sending blessings and well wishes for this new moon solar eclipse in Libra to you all.
Rebecca Starfire Fae Spirit Priestess xxx