~Dreams of a new earth~
Have you ever dreamt of an earth of beauty, of calm, of peace?
Dreams are powerful magic from our subconscious that bring us messages, guidance, or premonition. If we were all to dream the same dream, who knows what potential power that may hold?
Right now, dreaming is what it is all about. On Sunday 10th March 2024 at 9.00am, Lunar begins her new cycle in the sign of the celestial fish that is Pisces.
New moons are an opportunity to start a fresh, set new intentions and allow momentum to build. In the sign of Pisces, we are guided to listen to our intuition, connect with a higher consciousness, be open to messages from our dreams and allow the waves to clear our path. Just be careful not to be swept away by the currant. Watch out for addictive tendencies that enable us to escape reality and not face the truth.
In conjunction with the planetary goddess Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, this energy is all the more potent. There is an internal knowing, an inward whisper, a voice from the cosmos. What do you hear?
Perhaps you are called towards a spiritual practice or connection that has revealed itself recently.
Sitting close to this new lunar light is the karmic task mistress Saturn. She calls you to think practically about your new visions. How can you use time effectively to integrate these into your life?
With a positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus, this lunar light begins to illuminate the tangible. What can you dream into being? Perhaps a sudden shift in consciousness will open up a world of possibilities.
To consider how this energy may influence you personally,take a look at your own natal chart and pay attention to which house Lunar is shining anew and whether you have any planetary goddesses or angles near by.
Crystals that support this energy include celestite and sodalite. Use these to support setting your intentions.
Another option is to write down your intentions and release them into natural water. Either a river or a stream. Writing out our thoughts has the potential to make manifest. Also, take an opportunity to keep a dream journal as the messages that come through will serve as your map to the otherworld.
As always this is my interpretation of the story in the stella stars for this new moon in Pisces. If you would like any further support or information please reach out to me.
Sending you blessings and well wishes
Rebecca Starfire Fae Spirit Priestess xxx