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Supermoon In Pisces - August 2023

~Blue Supermoon in Pisces. 31st August 2023 at 2.35am (BST)~

Tonights sky will host a spectacularly dreamy sight of a rare blue supermoon in the sign of the celestial fish. We will not see this particular lunar event here on Earth again for another 14yrs!

Blue moons are know as so because lunar shows her full phase twice within a season/calendar month. Hence the term, once in a blue moon. Supermoons occur when Lunar is visibly closer to earth. So the magic that she brings is more powerful than ever!

The story in the stella stars at this current time is one of change and transformation (7 planetary goddesses in retrograde!) So as I rest here in Ireland, watching the sun shine on the sea from my window, let me help guide you, as I am guided. As always I will bring you the collective impact of this energy, but also the insight to look at your individual stella star story (natal chart).

Lunar's full phase brings the light to dark, she illuminates anything that has been hiding in the dark and allows you to see what can be celebrated and what needs to be released to make room for the new. We can not carry too much baggage because once we are weighed down, its difficult to keep moving.

Pisces is the sign of dreams, intuition, spiritual connection and the divine. Her creative abilities will take you to places you have never been. Her shadow though, is one of escapism, addiction and total shut down. Ruled by Neptune, who is also swimming in her home sign currently, Pisces is the physical embodiment of source here on Earth.

So let's move deeper into the ever changing and evolving story of the silver wheel in the cosmos, beginning with the challenging aspects.......

As Lunar reaches her fullness, she will sit next to the karmic queen Saturn in retrograde. She calls you to consider your boundaries to spiritual connection? Where are you sabotaging your relationship with divine source? With Sol and black moon Lilith in virgo opposing both Lunar and Saturn at this time, there is an opportunity to find a practical solution to those deep desires within. What is stopping you from transforming? What is preventing you from manifesting those deep desires.

It's time to let it dissolve in the waters of truth.

The Queen of the silver wheel that is Uranus, also in her retrograde in Taurus is squaring both Lunar and Saturn. She is amplified by Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces. There could be a risk of seismic shifts and extreme Earth events. Or perhaps this is the great cleanse that we all need?

This is a time for reflection. As Neptune sits in harmony between the worlds of Uranus and Pluto, we are guided to ponder on how our individual dreams may support the destruction of the old order to enable us all to begin to create the life we want on this Earth. Neptune assists us to wash away the debris, sweeping over earth with her watery magic. Purge to purify!

Following this powerful lunar moon, lady venus will emerge from the underworld to station direct. She will show you the parts of yourself that must be accepted in order to be transformed. Always remember that the light and the dark must exist as one for us to be made whole.

To understand how these energies are working with your own stella star story (natal chart) look at the house number where this moon will rise and whether you have any natal planetary goddesses in this section of your chart. For example, if this full moon takes place in your 7th House, this energy will surround your relationships.

Crystals that will support this energy will include: Lapis Lazuli, celestite and clear quartz.

Powerful practices that involve water will bring potent magic at this time. For example; taking a cleansing bath or washing/swimming in natural water.

As always this is my interpretation of the story in the stella stars to bring you the medicine of this full blue supermoon in Pisces. If you need any further support then please feel free to contact me.

Sending you all well wishes and blessings of the stella stars.

Rebecca Starfire Fae Spirit Priestess xxx

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