~To listen, we must truly listen. To speak, we must truly speak and to dream. We must truly dream~
The goddess twins are ready for Lunar's light to give them centre stage. They are both sides of the story. They are the truth and the deception.
On 27th November at 9.16am, the light of Lunar shines at her brightest. She is the bringer of knowledgeable, the craving to know it all. The information you did not yet know. She is the wisdom or the guidance that you seek. She is the intellectual, witty conversation holder, willing to learn all that she can. But the sign of Gemini also has a shadow. She can talk and share too much, be indecisive, restless, nervous and too much, but can't we all.
As we know the full moon is always an opportunity to release and this lunar light brings the magic to release old information, patterns and ways of being.
In Square to Saturnia in the sign of the celestial fish, she asks you about reality and fantasy. Where are you bringing your dreams into reality? What information, guidance, or support do you need to make it happen? Saturnia is the teacher and she will show you where you need to release certain boundaries in order to solidify your hopes and dreams.
With lunar in trine to Pluto, you are supported to break down the barriers to enable you to transform. Breathe it all out!
The ruling planetary goddess of this lunation is Mercury, who is sitting near the great attractor in Sagittarius. She will offer you any learning and possibilities of new information you will need to manifest your dreams. Your truth will be revealed if you can just let go of what was.
Crystals to support this energy include amethyst and selenite. Use these to help support your full moon wishes.
As always, this is my interpretation of the story in the stella stars for this full Lunar light in Gemini. If you feel called to know more please don't hesitate to contact me.
Sending you well wishes and blessings for this full moon in Gemini
Rebecca Starfire Fae Spirit Priestess xxx