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New Moon In Scorpio - November 2023

~And so the dark mother calls.

The Scorpioness initiates the magic within us all as she leads Lunar into her new light, her new cycle~

At 9.27am GMT today, November 13th the moon shines once more, as she draws the goddess Kali from the depths and asks us how we can cut the ties which bind us in order to create the new.

This is a brand new cycle but is still holding the energy of the recent eclipse. What have you learnt over this time? What niggling thoughts and feelings have been present?

Scorpio is the deepest transformational sign of the Zodiac. She shows us the hidden secrets that have been shadowed in the veil, so that we can transcend into the light. She is the sorceress, she is the power, she is dark goddess that lives within us all. Where are you holding back your power? Where are you hiding your truth?

During this lunation, both Sol and Lunar are conjunct Mars in her ancient ruler ship of Scorpio. Mars as the warrioress ignites this energy, giving you a strong push towards your intentions. Beware that tempers might be high at this time, but sometimes anger can be productive if we learn how to respond accordingly. Mars is the initiatrix and with her magic, we can begin as we mean to go on.

In opposition to Uranus in Taurus we can expect the unexpected. The shocking news and possibility for change. Don't be scared of what may be revealed at this time. It is all part of a bigger picture and encompasses a greater good. Sit on your eagles perch and consider a higher perspective.

To understand how this energy may influence you personally, it is important to consider the placement of this lunation in your own natal chart. What house is highlighted?

Crystals that deeply support the magic of the new moon in Scorpio include, black Obsidian (particularly mirrors) Labradorite and amethyst.

As a water element Scorpio offers you a chance to bath and cleanse where needed.

As always this is my interpretation of the story in the stella stars for this new moon in Scorpio. Should you feel called to know more, then please feel free to contact me.

Sending well wishes and blessings

Rebecca Starfire Fae Spirit Priestess xxx

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